2018 Section Awards: Call for submissions

ASA Section on the Sociology of Consumers and Consumption Distinguished Publication Award for 2018

The ASA Section on the Sociology of Consumers and Consumption Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award goes to the author(s) of the best published book that makes a significant, original contribution to the understanding of ideas about, and practices of, consumption.  The sociology of consumption, broadly defined, includes subjects dealing with theoretical and/or empirical questions related to consumers, commodities, and/or consumer markets, and engages with a larger body of research on these topics. (Please note that each year the Distinguished Publication Award alternates between articles/book chapters and books. In 2019 the award will go to an article/book chapter.)

Section members may nominate books and edited volumes published in 2016 to 2017. Self-nominations are welcome. Authors must be members of the Consumers and Consumption Section at the time of nomination. Send a nominating letter, including a description of the book and its significance, along with the book to each committee member, listed below. Nominations that are not accompanied by a nomination letter will not be considered for the prize. The deadline for receipt of all materials for this award is March 30, 2018.

Send nominations to: 
Juliet Schor (chair) juliet.schor@bc.edu
Boston College
Department of Sociology
531 McGuinn Hall
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Max Besbris
Rice University 
Department of Sociology
 6100 Main St. – MS 28 
Sewall Hall, Room 376
Houston, TX 77005 

Ken Kolb
Department of Sociology
Furman University
Greenville, SC  29613

ASA Section on the Sociology of Consumers and Consumption Section Student Paper Award for 2018

The Sociology of Consumers and Consumption Section Student Paper Award goes to the graduate student whose paper makes the best original contribution to the understanding of ideas about, and practices of, consumption.  The sociology of consumption, broadly defined, includes subjects dealing with theoretical and/or empirical questions related to consumers, commodities, and/or consumer markets, and engages with a larger body of research on these topics.  As long as the central focus is consumption, the paper may be influenced by other disciplines and sub-fields (e.g., sociology of culture, sociology of the body, environmental sociology, political sociology, economic sociology). The competition is open to both published and unpublished article-length papers (roughly 25 pages in length, not including tables or references) written by a graduate student in the last two years (2016 to 2018). The committee will accept sole-authored and multiple-authored papers as long as the applicant is the lead or senior author.  No student-faculty collaborations can be accepted. The author must have been a student at the time the article was accepted for publication. The Committee will select the paper that demonstrates the most thoughtful, competent or innovative analysis of a theoretical or empirical issue bearing upon some aspect of the sociology of consumption.  Please submit all papers via SocArXive by March 30, 2018.

Nominations can be submitted through SocArXiv, by uploading the paper to the archive and sending an email with the link to the award committee chair. For instructions, see this tutorial: http://bit.ly/2y7hHn3. You only need to follow Step 1, “Sharing your paper,” to generate the link for submitting a nomination. If a paper submitted to SocArXiv wins a section award, notify socarxiv@gmail.com and SocArXiv will give the authors $250.

Nominations can also be sent via email to each of the committee members. 

Send your SocArXiv link to Ashley Mears (chair) (mears@bu.edu

The Student Paper Award Committee is:
Ashley Mears (chair)
Boston University
Department of Sociology

Mark Pachuki
UMass Amherst
Department of Sociology

Hannah Wohl
Columbia University
Department of Sociology









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