Invitation to Join Economic Sociology and Political Economy Network

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Oleg Komlik, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Ben-Gurion University, invites readers to participate in the Economic Sociology and Political Economy online academic community.

The ES/PE community’s goal is to disseminate the insights of socio-political research of the economy to the public and academics; and to serve as a platform on which our members (already more than 23,000 researchers, students, practitioners and activists from 90 countries) share relevant information, exchange ideas and create collaborations (generating about 50,000 monthly website visits)

Enlightening new books and articles, important calls for papers, interesting posts from the leading blogs, sharp quotes, scholarships and job opportunities are being brought on a regular basis to the attention of our followers; and all these related to topics in Economic Sociology, Political Economy, Capitalism, Social Studies of Finance and Markets, Labor and Welfare research, and Sociology of Economics.

The community often serves also as a teaching resource in order to arouse students’ interest in these issues, to keep them academically involved as well as to encourage engaging in public sociology.

You are welcome to visit us, to join, and please feel free to share the ES/PE community websites with anyone who is interested in socio-political study of the economy.

Find the community on its websiteFacebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Tumblr. Those looking for job opportunities should check the social media sites.


